Research at our Campus in the spotlight

Biotech startup Those Vegan Cowboys, located at TLGSP Campus Ardoyen, was the first in Belgium to succeed in developing 3 different cheeses in the laboratory. The cheese is real cheese, not a plant-based substitute, but still contains no animal dairy. They are mozzarella, feta and camembert. However, it will be some time before the cheese is on the market, or can even be tasted by the general public.
foto qustomdot
QustomDot, an advanced materials spin-off of Ghent University, develops colorful nanomaterials to be used in next generation display technologies. Even tough quantum dots (QDs) are so tiny, they can have a great impact on how your future display can look like. QDs can be a key enabling technology to bring microLED displays to market.
Biogazelle launches preventive saliva test to help avoid COVID-19 outbreaks in the workspace. At present, diagnosis of the coronavirus is mostly done with nasopharyngeal swabs, which are often experienced as unpleasant or even painful. In addition, screening with nasopharyngeal swabs needs to be carried out by medically trained staff. This makes these tests less useful for repetitive screening of large groups of people, such as employees or students. Saliva based PCR tests offer a solution to both problems.
crodeon algemeen
Crodeon is a Belgian manufacturer of remote monitoring systems for agriculture, infrastructure and research companies. The company was founded in 2015 and has since grown to a team of four. The two founders are Jonathan Sercu and Sam Vanheule.
groep Kim Verbeken
This team to present is the UGent research team "Sustainable Materials Science", started by prof. Kim Verbeken in 2010 and expanded with prof. Inge Bellemans and prof. Tom Depover in 2019.
sentea - toestel
Sentea is a spin-off of the joint Photonics Research Group of Ghent University and nano-technology research center imec. The company was founded in 2018. The management team consists of Karsten Verhaegen, Thijs Spuesens and Ronny Bockstaele.
Prof. Dirk Inzé leads together with Dr. Hilde Nelissen a large research group at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology. This is one of the world-leading plant science centers.