Mobiweek 2016 (Monday 19 Sept – Friday 23 Sept)
Join the contest and win a Brompton folding bike worth €1,312!
The ‘Ardoyen Technology Park Mobiteam’ will be organizing a mobiweek this year as well.
As usual, everybody can sponsor
bicycle kilometres for the benefit of good causes.
Max Mobiel will be available on the site to repair bikes during the entire week between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. On Friday you can
register your bike.
FRIDAY 23/09/2016
Closing event from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Near the roundabout, on the lawn between building 904 and 913 (
Google Maps).
Everyone is welcome
Signing up is mandatory
Food! The catering will be provided by
Information stands and demonstrations of the cambio electric car, electric cargo bicycles, information on carpooling, …
The participating cyclists get a set of bicycle lights.
The Grand Prize is a Brompton folding bike worth €1,312! The prize draw will occur during the closing event; the bike will be raffled amongst the attendees.
Bike repair and registration.